一卡通项目 / 联网门禁考勤系统



Network Access Control System

Intelligent access control system is a perfect security system following as Motolong electronic door lock system. Electronic locks and intelligent access control are combined through a unified technology platform and operating system. It manage to intercommunication between door locks system of hotel, office, smart residential area and access control system with a card without obstacle in real sense.



Hotel network access control system

Real-time monitoring, the photo showing, state displaying can monitor all situation of going into and out of door in real-time, can display card owner’s photos pre-stored in the computer in real-time in favor of that security guards check information. If door magnet signal line is connected, the user can see which door is open and which door is closed at a glance. Real-time records from legal card are showed in green, records from illegal card are in orange, records on alarm information are shown in red. Doing like this is convenient for security guard to work. If installing video access control equipment, it can take photo and record a video when customers enter door.



Hotel public access control system

Hotel public access control system is mainly used for safety management and effective time management on entrance door. For example: At midnight only holders with valid hotel cards can enter the hotel after two o’clock.


办公室大门门禁系统,与酒店门锁统一联网进行分级管理和多级管理并且严格时间控制。比如:可以设置某个人对某个门,星期几可以进门,每天几个人从几点到几点可以进门。 脱机运行 通过软件设置上传后,控制器会记住所有权限和记录所有信息,即使电脑软件和电脑关闭,系统依然可以正常脱机正常运行即使停电信息也永不丢失。

Office access control system

Office access control system and hotel door lock system are in multi-level and hierarchical management and control time strictly in unified network. For example: we can set that a person to a door, when a person can enter door, how many persons can be allowed to enter door in a time period everyday, etc. After uploading to the computer, the controller will remember all popedoms and record all information. Even if computer is turned off, the system can still function off-line properly and all information will be never lost.


两万张注册卡权限每台控制器具备2万张注册卡的权限,例如单门控制器就可以管理2万个人的权限,双门控制器如果1号门管理了5000个注册卡的话,二号门就最多可以授权15000张卡的权限,四门控制器以此类推。 非法闯入报警, 或者叫做强行开门报警。即没有通过合法方式(刷卡 按钮 等)强行开门或者破门而入。系统软件监控界面会用红色的提示该报警信息的时间和位置,并驱动电脑音箱提醒值班人员注意。如果控制器接了报警输出及消防联动扩展板,还可以现场驱动报警器鸣叫,威慑犯罪人员和提醒保安赶来。该功能需要加装门磁或者选用带门磁反馈信号输出的电锁并连线到控制器。

Residential Area Access Control System

Registration authority to 20,000 cards.Each controller has privileges to 20,000 registration cards, such that single-door controller can manage the popedom of 20,000 individuals. For double-door controller if the 1st door manages 5000 registration cards, there will be 15,000 registration cards can be authorized to the second door on the maximum. Four-door controller is inferred in the same way. Illegal intrusion alarm is also called force open alarm. That is, force to open door not through legal way (using card, or pressing button, etc) or break into room. Monitoring system software interface will indicate alarm time and location in red, and then cause computer speaker to warn security guard to pay attention. If controller is linked with alarm output and network fire control expansion board, it can also drive alarm annunciator calling to deter crime and warn the security guard. To get this feature that requires installing door magnet or electric locking with door magnet feedback signal output and being connected to the controller.


酒店电梯门禁系统,主要是对开电梯的卡片设置开电梯权限,时间段权限。规定卡片哪些时间可以开电梯门,或在什么时间允许开哪些电梯门。以及:某电梯设定VIP 嘉宾或公司高层领导专电梯。

Elevator Access Control System

Hotel elevator access control systems, is mainly used for setting elevator card authority and time period popedom, and that which time period